Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Last Hoorah...

what can I say, besides it's time to move on....

from now on. please and thank you :)

viva la woman.

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

"There's Rules, then there's The Game, then there's The Rules to the Game..."

I spent my 4th watching chick flicks (it was one of those days), trying to get some scripted clarity of my recent romantic situation. Even though 'The Women' was a horrible SNTC spin-off attempt, a point was made that made me wish the thought were my own. When you chose to love, in a friendly or romantic way, you run the risk of being betrayed. Though transgressions are usually unintentional, it can not be avoided that someone will end up hurt. If losing my Grandma isn't enough, I now have to add the insult that my lover will not be there for me physically to hold my hand when I need him the most. I've recently had an emotional epiphany; realizing just how important my relationships with the people who mean something to me are. I know I have some work to do in expressing that importance. When most people leave home, going out into the world to become the perfect version of who they want to be, they lose touch with the truest part of themselves. And that usually results from the separation from family and religion.  I'm guilty of being one of the many estranged from loved ones and childhood friends and it's my decision to bridge those gaps. I would rather have meaningful relationships that will enrich my life, and provide the type of support that I need, then to go through life making relationships of convenience with a bunch of people that I can no longer depend on. I began to put my pride aside and tell Mr. just how much he means/meant to me, not knowing that the added energy that I was giving him was also fueling his cock-eyed ego. Needless to say, some things were said that can't be taken back, and I'm left to lick my wounds in the corner. You see, Mr. is a player reformed. Used to the pimper-ish ways of his escorting home girls and affiliated home boys,  he's surprisingly shown drastic improvement after having a better example (me) to observe. But sometimes, he relapses and we have a day like today... where I don't know if his heart is coming or going.

I have noticed a personal pattern: the moment I tear down the wall that kept my feelings in tact, is the moment my counterpart almost becomes my enemy; capitalizing on my vulnerability. A close friend of mine made a good point as I sat in his kitchen drinking red wine: "you can't get around the bullshit, you just got to ask yourself who's bullshit is worth putting up with!" 

sigh.... as big of a cheerleader I am for love and relationships, some things just aren't worth your dignity.

The moment I begin being called out my name, and forced to end friendships, I have to question who I am going to be loyal to: a dysfunctional relationship, or myself. It's a fine line between committed and crazy... and I'm 'beefing it up' all on it. Usually when I get to this point; where I've had to sit down and make my pro/con list, I fight myself. Fight my stubborn streak that doesn't perpetuate stereotypes, and the part of me that just simply wants to love and be loved. No one expects modern love to last, but keeping self respect in exchange for a botched relationship on a resume is a no brain er.

Being older gives me the guts to tell my Mom how much I was sheltered from the ugly ways of folks, and how I should have been schooled on "the rules" and "the game". (Cause there is a difference) Even though I hate to admit it, there is a level of "romantic/social success" that can be achieved, when the game is played right. The phenom of "fronting" kicked chivalry's ass so bad, people don't want to speak its name... in fear of being considered "weak". This type of social intimidation has forced so many old school lovers to become players... blindly leading each other through the experience of love. I prefer the good old fashioned rules, which deal more with mutual respect and displaying genuine interest versus the fickleness of "the game". The game is all about assumptions, smoke and mirrors... a concept I knew nothing about until recent years. 
The game is quite a conundrum. Now if I have this right (taps pen on chin), two attractive people who obviously are interested in each other decide to get to know each other better, and use a combination of complicated signals to convey that interest. There can be no straight forward questions on intent, you can't tell the other how you feel, everything has to be decoded and translated, sex is exchanged before "i love you"... it's a bit much. Too much for this fragile heart of mine to handle, so as much as it may cause discomfort, the consequences from "the rules" are quite temporary. And the rewards are everlasting... once you find "bullshit" that's worth it.

Monday, July 4, 2011

Something to Think About

If you are entertaining angry or vengeful thoughts about someone- even if you never show your anger or seek revenge on that person- you are causing harm. But you aren't causing harm to the one you are upset with; you are causing harm to yourself. By allowing negative thoughts to eat away at you because someone has hurt you or disappointed you in some way, then you are building a wall around yourself. Each negative of hostile thought is like a brick in that wall. The higher you build it, the harder it will be for good thoughts and positive energy to enter. Let go of what you can't control.

(today's horoscope)

Grandma's Hands. [91 Years]

We all knew it was coming. A week ago my Mom called my brother and I to tell us that the pain that my Grandma had been complaining about in her side was indeed, cancer. As unfair as it is for any person to give another an expiration date, the doc said that she had roughly 3 weeks, she passed away yesterday at 9:32 p.m. I can remember summer after summer, packing up our family, old school music, and snacks for the drive to the small town where the legacy of our family began. It still amazes me that I have 16 aunts and uncles combined, over 200 cousins, and Lord knows how many distant cousins... all from my Mom's side of the family. It's obvious that recessions never effected my Grand parents who always kept their large family clothed, fed, and well loved. They always kept things together, regardless of the circumstances and I know they are the reason why such determined blood runs through my veins. Grandma always kept a light spirit; offering a smile to everyone who entered her life and serving up raw wisdom wrapped in love. Every gathering was literally a celebration and one thing that she laughed at for years was that I told her that every time I come to visit, it's like a party. A woman with many [church] hats, and swore her baby soft skin to cold cream, I will cherish every moment I had with her. Evolving into a dynamic woman who is capable of doing everything she has.
I send my love to all my family, near and far and pray for the prosperity of our family. 

Grandma, give Grandpa, my Dad, Marquis, Uncle George, Aunt Nancy, and everyone who came before me a kiss... and continue to watch over us.

i'm wearing the biggest church hat i can find for this "party".

Friday, June 24, 2011

Social Networks are the Devil!

This past month has been crazy you guys! The business side of things seem to be consistent for the most part but my emotional house is all jacked up! My shy nature keeps my circle small and my drama to a minimum but I guess it was just in my stars to end smack dab in some mess... eventually. I have been noticing platforms like twitter, myspace, and facebook becoming the topic of conversation in talk shows; being blamed for the reason friendships and relationships end for a couple of years now. I personally gave up my myspace page after a local 'mean girl' used me to became initiated into the legion of internet gangsters years ago. The whole experience turned a place where I found entertainment and met new people into a pain in the ass and something I avoided all together. After that, I joined facebook to stay connected with my huge family and past classmates from my previous high school. Even though that page has been established since 2007, I hardly use it, and am thinking about seriously putting it on total lock down after a person I didn't know tried to ask me out. Twitter started out of pure boredom. I was newly single, with a new phone, at a new job that didn't require me to do a whole lot (considering it's slow day shift). I began finding people who I knew's pages and through them met a group of genuine people. I started opening up a little bit more and instead of it being something that I used to make fun of, I was encouraging non-tweeters to sign up. Things were going smooth for the first 2 years, then last month happened...

I was being foolish, oblivious to every game there are rules, and rule number 1 is: never put any personal information about your relationship on your time line! Well, technically I spoke generally, but non the less, I had a lonely follower who bit on my bait of depression. Me and this guy began exchanging friendly messages back and forth, with him being the initiator. He would say things that were encouraging, involving God and what not, and ask me what happened between and Mr. Even though he did his best trying to pump me for information, I'm a loyal person. And I'm no fool. All contact stopped before the apple dropped to bring the New Year in. Me and Mr. were back "on" and went on living our lives. Roughly in about April, I began to see him mention me on his timeline... "hey, it's been decades... what you been up to?" would randomly appear and I would continue to ignore his existence. One day, my Mr. decided to shout me out on twitter. Something that I always was on the fence about because to me, love on a social network is like blood in the ocean: the sharks and any other ruthless creature will definitely come from nowhere to feast. But pride, being the two sided coin it is, took over and I lovingly obliged. Little did I know that this dude on the sidelines would see this and get so irrationally angry at the whole situation.

 Seeing how at least 4 months had passed since last we talked...

But home boy caught feelings and began reaching out to Mr, and a slew of other people who followed me and I spoke to on a regular basis. His posts accused me of being promiscuous and scheming. A "trifling" female who needed to be "exposed". The way he went out of his way to make people believe that I hooked up with not only him, but "others" who followed me made me sick. I truly felt violated in the way you would if you were in school getting bullied by an upper class men. Even though we are peers, and I shouldn't have felt any specific way about  his psychotic behavior, I did. I understood that this person was trying to hurt me, and the one who is closest to me. I tried to keep my mind off of it, but every time I attempted to go on like nothing was happening, I couldn't help but check and see what new lies were being posted about me. A nobody who would never do anything like this to anyone else. Eventually, it made me not want to tweet at all, and I was frustrated at the fact that the only thing I (and a few good friends) could do was send emails to twitter, reporting him as spam. To wrap up this long story, the perp's account was deleted and I can breath a little easier about tweeting. But I have definitely learned my lesson O_o

What is it about facebook-ing, myspace-ing, and twitter-ing that makes people forget they have minds? Besides the fact that they're a faceless person on the opposite side of the screen who can be anything that they want to be that is... lol.

It is a guarantee that before I go to sleep at night, I will see or hear about somebody acting a damn fool  on the Internet. Whether it be through shit talking over a bruised ego, setting up dates on walls instead of in boxes, or sharing explicit photos and videos with others. I will say this now: trust no one! When it comes to your personal image... it's everything. These days it seems everything is fair in love and scandal and as petty as it may seem, even a 'special video' made for a mate can be used against you and damage a reputation. And once it's out there, it's out there. It's hard to deny a questionable photo after it has a personal account attached to it, so if recent news of 'Weiner-gate' has taught us anything, you might want to think twice before trying to impress a perfect stranger.

 There are a reported 80% of marriages that have ended up in divorce with cyber cheating being the basis of the split. And since I brought up Wiener, I pose this question:

What should newly pregnant Huma do?

The aid to Hillary Clinton has been holding up pretty well in my opinion, despite all the press. I guess what I mean is, she's maintaining herself; continuing to work instead of breaking down. She has chose the high road. Of course some people say she should leave him. But I think that sentiment is more attributed to his looks, and not so much his actions. It's a fact in America, that the better looking you are, the lesser the crime (lol). We're shallow and I think that was the exact flaw that got him in trouble in the first place. Power does something to a person. Especially a person who isn't used to getting attention about their looks. Perhaps he was really feeling himself, knowing that his wife is 'like this' with Hillary Clinton, he's a (former) U.S. Rep, and he's about to have his first child. On top of that, he had chicks hitting him up on twitter... 

I don't know! lol, I would just hate to see any one's marriage end...for any reason. Regardless, Huma is sticking next to her husband and even though she was not seen next to him during the scandal or his stepping down speech, they have been seen in grocery stores and continue to work on their marriage.

I woke up one day and noticed that people had stopped talking. Well not exactly, written expression had taken over and every one's phone or computer had them (dis)connected to everyone else in the world. The need for personal fulfillment will not be found one day while tweeting, or anyplace online. Let's use good judgement, and remember to change your passwords often! 

"You Look Like..." v.2

Ever since I went natural, I've heard all sorts of references (complimentary and derogatory) to describe the "look" my new hairstyle gives me. One of the more flattering ones is that it reminds some of Rae Dawn Chong.

I had to pause the first time I heard the name.

"Chong... Chong...? Where have I heard that before?"

She wouldn't have by any chance have any relation to the guy in the show 'Cheech and Chong' would she? 

Not only is she the daughter of actor Tommy Chong, she is an actress who has featured in over 30 films, including my favorite... 'The Color Purple'. And I'm not sure what the movie 'Quest for Fire' is about, but it gives me the impression that she's comfortable with her body, which is something else we have in common.  So once again, I am flattered to be compared to such a gorgeous woman. I can now consider myself to the reincarnated daughter of a pot smoking hippie. Life is good. I started this series to share with you guys my many "twins" of Hollywood... I hope you find them interesting and humorous since 90% of them were mentioned in pick-up lines. Lol.

I Have to DO Something...

I know I haven't posted.
But life's been crazy.
Sounds cliche I know, but it's the truth non the less.
Try to be patient loves.
Till then...

Friday, June 17, 2011

Daddy's Day

Today is "Daddy's" Day.
No, I'm not talking about the one who you cook for, have pillow talk with, and appreciates all your womanly assets. Today is for the "Daddy's" who help with homework, comb hair, and show healthy examples of what a MAN really is. As I reflect today on my Dad, I can't help but think about how much he means to me and how much I miss him. I know all little girls who had their Dad in their life say this but: "my Dad was the best." With all his strengths I gained a sense of safety; knowing that he would take care of any little thing I needed when I needed it. And with his flaws, I realized that even the one you love (or the one who loves you) is only human and if they happen to fall short, it doesn't mean they love you any less. I can only speak on the relationship of Dad's with their little girls and how important it is to have an active father figure growing up. The realization in the dynamic is much more apparent to me now since I am a woman who has my own set of struggles involving the opposite sex. My Dad passed away when I was 16. I had just went on my first "date" maybe 4 months prior and I never had the privilege to have that heart to heart talk with him about what to look for when choosing a man. I imagine what he would say to me on the phone after a bad date, or all the game he would put me up on... I feel the pain from that with every disrespectful man I encounter. There's so many dudes exhibiting horrible behavior that makes so many women believe that finding a good man is hopeless. The ending result of dealing with poor treatment can be quite tragic: a good girl gone bad...  So many women bounce from relationship to relationship anticipating the familiar feel of home. Not necessarily looking for a reincarnated version of your father, but a man who posses the same protecting, providing values that were constantly shown to us fortunate girls growing up. I couldn't imagine the person I would be today if my Dad wasn't in my life, or what my thought process would be like. I am who I am today because of strong men like my Dad, uncles, and Grandfather... thank you all.

 I commend all my Dad's out there who stay active in their children's lives, even when things go sour with the mother.

 And single mothers, please refrain from bad mouthing, or keeping a Dad away from seeing his kids. If he doesn't want to be with you, let it burn and move on. Using the kid as a pawn will not only take away great experiences away from them, but make you look like an entire ass when they grow old enough to learn the truth.

For all the future Dad's of little girls, heed Chris' advice: keep 'em off tha pole! 

ok, now go enjoy your electronics, sports, and big piece of chicken.

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

"Go Tha F@$! to Sleep!"

ha HA! This one is definitely dedicated to my nieces Zoey (7) and Asha (2) who do all things possible to stay awake when it's time for them to go to sleep. I mean, do they think they're going to miss something after the hour of 9 p.m.? I heard a snippet of this nursery rhyme read by Samuel L. Jackson for the new millennium on  Frank Ski and Wanda morning show.  The lifestyle coach himself Kenny Burns apparently is filling in for Frank and had me jammin' on my ride back from dropping my brother off in Alpharetta might I add.

With the spirit of Pulp Fiction and Afro Samurai, Sam says what parents really want to say to their kids after they've worked the last nerve.... in a loving way of course (lol). Anyway, it made me laugh....


Sunday, June 12, 2011

Judge Me Tender

I was so inspired by Lady GaGa on 60 minutes last Sunday. I mean, it wasn't exactly what I expected, but it was a pleasant surprise.
Ironically a piece about judgement starts with one... 

When I think "rock and roll" my little brain pictures lots of leather, trashy clothes, cocaine, cigarrette smoke, casual sex, and lewd lyrics. If you catched the entire interview, GaGa didn't disappoint including all the above elements in the 3 months it took to shoot the segment. She showed advance maturity for her (reported) 25 years and remained genuine with her emotions; humble about her celebrity. I noticed how no question seemed to catch her off guard. As if she was expecting to be asked about her sex life, early drug use, and super provocative sense of style. She explained that there are plenty of perceptions about her as a person and an artist. And if you're looking for something to talk about, she's not going to make you dig. She's laying all out for us on a platter. Her music is all about self acceptance and empowering the missundersood. I really appreciated all 12 plus hours of filming for the crew to edit, sharing intimate footage, her first apartment, and her favorite bars. Offering to us her world and life with us.
I feel I can relate so well to this frame of thinking because that's exactly how I feel about my writing. I never wanted to be a "blogger"; sharing elaborate pieces of pure randomness. But throughout the years, I've been in plenty of interesting situations, seen enough drama, and I'm ready to be done with the burdens of judgement from others. It seems that most would be considered guilty of whatever was being said about them in the street. The facts of the matter are irrelevant, and the stigma that serves as entertainment for the masses, is a handicap for the person in question. Writing is my freedom with the blank page playing the playground for my words. I set the tone and beat the critics to what they think they know about me and my current situation(s).

So why air dirty laundry? Why put yourself out there like that? There's a saying that goes: "that which is most personal is most common". As I write my wrongs, I not only forgive myself for poor choices, I help liberate someone else to do the same. I'm not always right, but I don't always fuck up. This is my story. My declaration of personal independence. And I am proud to say: I no longer depend on your judgement.

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

"You Look Like..." v.1

Folks who compare my looks to somebody else doesn't bother me. Especially when it's with another good looking woman. This green eyed miniature wonder woman happens to be one of them... Mother of 2 beautiful children, wife to a FINE man, actress, lead singer of a rock band... basically the future me.
what can I say?
I'm flattered

Sunday, January 9, 2011

Do You Know?

When you go through your day to day, what is the goal?
To make more than you had the day before,
or are you trying to make a difference?
In someone else's life, or your community?
Every time I attend a funeral, I pay close attention to the eulogy that is inside.
Its amazing how much can be done in such a short time.
It would be a tragedy to live, only to die
with your only accomplishment being something that can't be taken with you:
Since when does it over ride time? 
And when did monetary gain officially define who you are?
So much celebrity goes to waste
with no sense of responsibility.
But there is one... why else do you think you have it?
But to give back
since you're hogging more than your share.

Do you know, what you're fighting for?
Love hard, smile often, lend a helping hand...
after all
it's free...

Fall For Your Type

"All I need is a partner to play spades with the cards up-- all trust!"

I can't explain why
it's hard for me to tell
why this particular "type"
is one I know too well.

Never meaning wrong, but in the same breath not meaning well
breaking me down with their pretty lies
or maybe thats how they "felt"...
at least at the time
cause now I'm alone.
Left to replay in my mind
all the good times, even if they only happened once in a while.

The "type" never has a face
until it's too late.
Their complexities intrigue me,
they are the misunderstood
and like the puppy left in the rain 
I take him in, and fix him a home cooked meal
lick his wounds so they can heal.
Rub his fur in the places that give him comfort
soak his insecurities away in bath tubs and foot rubs...
uh oh... I've created a monster.
A creature so foreign to what I've shown
hyped up on all this love that I've let him borrow,
only a portion given back in return.
A new outlook on life he is given
along with special places he knew nothing of.
A brand new game for his next chick.

Yes, I fall for your "type"
cause everything needs love
and I'm bursting at the seams
living as an example of what everyone thinks is gone
I just can't explain this shit at all,
am I doomed to be used?
Drowning in the fantasy 
of believing in people like you...

Saturday, January 8, 2011


My Dad was an accountant for the IRS. The job that everyone from my elementary school teach to the pastor at our church respected and feared at the same time. There was always this elusiveness about his duties, which I could tell from my parents dinner conversation, were very stressful. He was responsible for looking into shady transactions and sometimes be the one to deliver a pink slip to a fellow co worker. He was an auditor. "The bad guy", and that so wasn't the person that everyone who knew him, was. His daily uniform consisted of a well made suit, suspenders, tie. Overcoat with a matching hat, and Ray Ban sunglasses. Lol. He was the type of Dad that was super efficient and crushed on by too many of my girl friends growing up. Now what's a fun loving kind of guy like my Dad doing with a job that will make people deal with him with the same care as a ruthless politician?