Tuesday, August 17, 2010

The Yo-Yo

shallow dreams

Omg. If I had to name the most dangerous things I've ever done in my life... this would definitely be in the top five. It ranks over being all up through a dope boi's operation and vacationing to Brazil with NO prior knowledge of the country...well, in my opinion. I say it's dangerous because it changes the way you think, and can effect areas of you that can take years to restore. I have to admit, I've done this two times. Both times were equally painful and were over all, not worth the time. What am I referring to?

Enough said.

I was a little low on motivation a couple of weeks ago, so after getting a few suggestions from twitter friends, I chose a topic that's been on my mind for a while. Lately, I've been wondering why things weren't going the way that I hoped. In between ending my position at the bar I was working at, a not-so-lucrative music video, and a botched bachelor party, I began to wonder why a "good person" like myself just couldn't seem to catch a break.