Tuesday, June 15, 2010

1.7 Leauges in the Sea

Everyone has heard about, seen footage, or read about the oil spill that started April 20, 2010. Rigs owned by BP is pouring over 1.7 million gallons of oil per day into the ocean... with no end in sight. I've seen pictures of ocean shore lines splashed with brown water, wildlife coated in oil, and learned about the 11 crew workers who are missing and presumed dead. All the news brings confusion to my mind, anger in my guts, and tears to my eyes. Recently, the spill reached the shore lines of Louisiana, Alabama, and Mississippi. What I didn't know was that instead of coming up with a fix and trying it, BP is taking forever to come up with solutions and organizations are capitalizing off of this unfortunate event.


I can't force people to take the time out to recycle their plastic and paper products to preserve our environment, but I will strongly suggest that people don't believe the media hype! The organization Horizon Relief is bottling up an ounce of oil and marsh water for the public to buy for $25. If you "donate" $1,000, you will receive a special edition numbered bottle from one of the biggest environmental disaster. All proceeds will go towards local workers who can't petition BP or get this......

the federal government for "assistance"
It strikes me as odd when an organization raises money for government assistance, and not for the families of those who died during the rig explosion, or towards clean up crews. BP has taken full responsibility and has assured citizens that the problem will be fixed; seeing how the government has denounced any responsibility towards cleaning up the spill. This is one of the most ridiculous attempts to pacify the public by a company/government that I've lived long enough to witness.

My prayers and thoughts are with the families of:
  • Dale Burkeen
  • Jason Anderson
  • Donald Clark
  • Stephen Curtis
  • Gordon Jones
  • Wyatt Kemp
  • Karl Kleppinger
  • Blair Manuel
  • Dewey Revette
  • Shame Roshto
  • Adam Weise
Let's not forget what's important!

1 comment:

  1. this whole thing is fishy. I really don't believe it is still going by chance, I believe it's by choice. The Russians have came forward and stated that they have dealt with this issue multiple times and know how to resolve it, using Nukes. But Obama is not going to be the one to use a nuke off the coast while the media is watching... even if it's miles off shore and a mile under the ocean.
    Chris Rock said some real shit the other day, he said if Bush and Obama switched terms in office this Oil shit would be fixed, and Katrina would have turned out diffent. (in other words)
