Friday, December 31, 2010

Christmas Re-Cap

Now that I'm older, the allure of wrapped retail doesn't have the same effect that it once did. These days, it's ALL about the food! When the holiday's roll around, my novice chef of a mother goes all out. Glazing hams, making sauces from scratch, baked goods, the whole nine yards. When I walk through the door and smell Michele's "in demand turkey", I feel all warm and tingly inside. Even though my holiday's had a rocky start, the concept of family balanced out my tortured mind. The morning of Christmas Eve, my mom cooked for her two kids at the same time, for the fist time, in a l   o   n   g time. I've always envisioned myself whipping up smiley face pancakes and tasty fritatas for my future husband and unborn children. My mother has spent her life making this dream for most, a reality for me. Catering to the ones you love is the theme in our family and is the definition of all days special.

"Mom went sausage, egg, AND cheese!"

Thank God the kids let us sleep until at least 9 a.m. after watching the Christmas classics until 2 the previous night. Little Zoey is easy to squeeze a smile from, but 2 year old Asha.... not so much. But she must have been happy with her gifts, cause she finally gave me one! It was nice having my damn-near grown nephew, his two sisters, my brother, sister, myself, and my mom under the same roof.

[finally a smile] Me and my Asha-pooh

Season's greetings from the Obama's

Let's face it: the holiday's just ain't the same after the age of innocence is gone. Hell, family ain't what it used to be, and with that being said, I really hope everyone did what they could to make this time a memorable one. If not, take stock in the "family" you create for yourself; filled with friends and people who will be there for you. The hard times that most have had to endure in the 21st century has created a great divide in most families. Lucky for me, my family is huge.... full of enough stable characters, or I would be estranged from them as well. I've noticed that hard times and desperation brings out the beast in most folks. It seems to rear it's ugly head in times where loyalty is most needed and usually breaks the strong bond that is built on things money can't buy.  

and now the question that every one's been wanting to ask:
so what ever happened with Han?

Funny you [wanted to] ask, lol. When we had our lover's spat a few days prior, I wanted to be the hard ass and say "fuck it, it's over", but when your feelings are invested, it's not so easy to get it go. We got into our fight on Thursday roughly around.... 5pm. By one o'clock the next day, I was on my phone desperately reaching out... with no response. By the time Christmas day rolled around, I had given our then 2 days of not talking an expiration date of 24 hours. That's all my pride could afford to spend. I woke up with my family and focused my attention on the "reason for the season" and not on my Gmail inbox. After the last piece of wrapping paper was crumpled on the floor, I was enjoying one of my gifts when the phone rang. I knew instantly who it was and fumbled my cell out the pocket of my robe to answer.

Me: Hey
Han: Hey. Merry Christmas, I miss you.

That's all it took, really. It seemed as if we were both over talking each other, expressing how much we missed and loved each other. Going through some of the same actions as Martin and Gina... love sick, going through withdraws. Even though in the heat of the moment, it was so easy to walk away from it all and say all the mean things that is known to bruise egos, the time apart really brought into focus how strong our feelings for each other are. After explaining each other's spoiled tendencies and selfish positions, all was forgiven and our relationship was back on. I knew that if our relationship failed, I would regret the fact that I didn't try everything I could, to patch things up. I put my pride to the side and blew the dust off my jar of humility. I got everything I wanted this Christmas: family, a couple more pounds, and love.... all is well in the world :)

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