Monday, December 13, 2010

On a Jet Plane

I'm leaving.
I've been visiting with my mom and nieces for the past 3 months in Ohio figuring out my next move in life. The 72 acres with a pond and fields of oak tress and flowers was refreshing from city life... at first. But the leaves have been replaced with icicles, the ground is covered in white, and personally, I don't see much of a future working at Wal- Mart. My everyday routine centered around my young nieces schedules, exhausting my little mind as well as stifling my creativity.  But I'm thankful to spend this time with them and thankful I was afforded the space and time to plan what's next.

My socialite "hot girl" days are done. I'm just too old for that type of shit. And honestly, my focus has changed. I've spent years making money fast and watching it leave just as quickly. I've learned that unfulfilled friendships and being misunderstood by those around me just doesn't work for me. You see, people think that if you strip, they've got you figured out. But I've never seen myself as simply just a dancer, it's just what I did to afford me travel, rent money, and to spoil myself with the things I always wanted growing up.
But I'm done fucking off. And being guilt ed by association.
I will quickly replace the look of success for actual success.

This is about my future. 

This is about my life.                                                  Not about what the jokes from my past will say, or if someone will be upset if I stop doing their job. For the first time in a long time, I'm being selfish and doing what I feel is best for me. I have a feeling that attitude will benefit me so much in other areas of my life. 
  A monster is born.
My next destination is just a pit stop on the road I chose to walk. Seizing every opportunity that makes sense to me, will put me on the level I want to be. My day long journey starts tomorrow and I am more excited than a child on Christmas Eve.
Some will understand. And I love you for that. But some won't. I love you still, despite your own issues.

I don't know when I'll be back again, but I'm alright.

but packing is another story!

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